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Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Remember Dreams

How to Remember Dreams
We spend about 25 percent of our sleep time dreaming. But dreams all too often disappear as soon as we awaken, and we can't remember a thing.
1 Relax before bed. Take a hot bath with aromatherapy soaps, drink herbal tea, listen to meditation tapes - whatever works best for you.
 2 Think about and write down important things on your mind. Write down subjects you also would like to dream about.
3 Keep those items in mind when you get into bed but don't concentrate too hard. That might keep you awake.4 Tell yourself that you will remember your dream. Repeat "I will remember my dream" several times to yourself as you drift off to sleep.
5 Wake up naturally, if possible, without an alarm clock. Try not to move until you can recall your dream from the night before.
6 Record your dream before you get out of bed. Keep a journal and pen or tape recorder by your bedside for easy access.

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