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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Meditation Instructions

Meditation Instructions


ntroduction to Inner Peace Fellowship Meditation (IPF Meditation)

**Inner Peace Fellowship Meditation (IPF Meditation)** draws from the ancient Vedic tradition of India, which spans over 3,000 years. This practice utilizes the same Sanskrit mantras that Indian yogis have been perfecting for millennia. IPF Meditation is remarkably simple to learn and offers numerous valuable benefits. It has been embraced by millions of people across 235 countries and jurisdictions.

Meditation is a practice you learn by doing. The profound silence and stillness you experience during meditation, coupled with increased happiness and reduced stress in daily life, naturally encourage a deeper connection with these states each time you meditate.


#### Your First Meditation Session

1. **Find a Quiet Space**: Choose a comfortable and quiet place to sit. Close your eyes and relax for about a minute. It's normal for thoughts to arise, so don’t worry about them.

2. **Start Your Mantra**: Begin the audio below and play your mantra softly. As you hear the mantra, silently repeat it in your mind without moving your tongue or lips. After one minute, the audio will fade to silence. Continue to silently repeat your mantra for an additional four minutes. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the mantra. The audio will signal the end of the session. 

3. **Download Your Mantra**: (If you’ve previously created your own mantra on our site, use the new one provided and expand upon it as described below.)

This procedure is for your first meditation only. For subsequent sessions, follow the instructions in the Daily Practice section.


#### Daily Practice of Meditation

- **Frequency and Duration**: Meditate every morning and evening for 15-30 minutes. Ideally, meditate before meals. A quiet environment is preferable but not essential; external noise won’t hinder your practice.

- **Steps to Meditate**:

  1. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and relax for about a minute. Allow thoughts to come naturally.

  2. Without moving your tongue or lips, start repeating your mantra internally. Continue this for the duration of your meditation. If your mind wanders, gently refocus on your mantra.

  3. After meditating, lie down and rest for 4-5 minutes.

- **Embrace Imperfection**: It's okay if your mantra is unclear at times or if it fades into a feeling rather than distinct words. You might even reach a state where thoughts and the mantra disappear entirely, leaving you with a pure sense of awareness.

- **Sleep During Meditation**: If you fall asleep during meditation, simply meditate for a few more minutes after waking up, then rest again for 4-5 minutes.


#### Common Meditation Mistakes

- **Avoid Forcing Meditation**: The biggest mistake is trying too hard. Meditation requires doing absolutely nothing. The benefits come from regular practice, not from striving to achieve them. Avoid seeking specific experiences or signs of progress, as this can hinder the natural benefits of meditation.

- **Patience is Key**: Meditation can lead to increased happiness, calmness, and better relationships. These benefits may appear quickly or take months to manifest. The key is to maintain a regular meditation habit and be patient. If you lapse, simply resume your practice.


#### Expanding Your Mantra

*Do not expand your mantra until you have meditated regularly twice a day for the specified times below. Premature expansion or irregular practice will diminish the benefits.*

- **After Six Months**: Start using this new mantra. Play it softly and integrate it into your practice.


- **After One Year**: Introduce a new mantra and incorporate a focus shift. Instead of your mantra coming from your head, let it emerge from your chest. Occasionally, notice your breath in your chest to help center the mantra.


- **After Eighteen Months**: Introduce another new mantra into your practice.


- **After Two Years**: Begin using a more advanced mantra.



#### Advanced Inner Peace Fellowship Meditation

Inner Peace Fellowship Meditation is one of the most effective meditation techniques available. After two years of regular practice, you will be eligible for the advanced version, which offers even deeper benefits.


#### Side Effects and Cautions

- **Post-Meditation Vulnerability**: After meditating, avoid making important decisions or engaging in significant activities immediately, as you may be more susceptible to outside influences.

- **Alternative Relaxation Methods**: If sitting quietly is difficult, try walking in nature, practicing yoga, or exercising.

- **Discontinuing Meditation**: If meditation feels disturbing or upsetting, discontinue the practice. Meditation is not a substitute for addressing serious emotional or psychiatric issues, for which professional help should be sought.


#### Nondirective Meditation

IPF Meditation is a type of nondirective meditation, emphasizing effortlessness and acceptance of mind wandering, unlike directive meditations like Mindfulness and Vipassana that require active resistance to thoughts. Other nondirective methods include the Relaxation Response, Acem meditation, and Transcendental Meditation®.

Your mantra consists of Vedic Sanskrit words and sounds that have been used in meditation for thousands of years.

How to Meditate, Woman Meditation

Meditation offers profound benefits, including reduced stress, improved focus, and greater self-awareness. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide to help you start your meditation practice:

### 1. **Find a Comfortable Position**

   - **Sit or lie down**: Choose a position where you can remain still and alert. A chair or cushion is ideal for sitting.

   - **Keep a straight spine**: Maintain good posture to stay awake and avoid discomfort.

   - **Relax your hands**: Place them on your lap or knees.

### 2. **Set a Timer**

   - **Start small**: Begin with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

   - **Use a gentle alarm**: Avoid jarring alarms that might disrupt your meditation.

### 3. **Focus on Your Breath**

   - **Inhale and exhale naturally**: Notice the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your nostrils or the rise and fall of your chest.

   - **Count your breaths**: To maintain focus, count “one” on the inhale and “two” on the exhale, up to ten, then start over.

### 4. **Notice Your Thoughts**

   - **Acknowledge and let go**: When thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and gently bring your focus back to your breath.

   - **Use a mantra**: Repeating a calming word or phrase can help refocus your mind.

### 5. **Be Kind to Yourself**

   - **No pressure**: Meditation is not about achieving a certain state but about being present. It’s normal for your mind to wander.

   - **Practice regularly**: Consistency is key. Try to meditate at the same time each day.

### 6. **End with Gratitude**

   - **Gently open your eyes**: When your timer goes off, take a moment to notice how you feel.

   - **Express gratitude**: Appreciate the time you’ve taken for yourself.

### Tips for Ongoing Practice

- **Create a peaceful environment**: Meditate in a quiet space with minimal distractions.

- **Explore different techniques**: Try guided meditations, body scans, or mindfulness practices to find what works best for you.

- **Join a community**: Consider meditating with a group or attending a meditation class for additional support and motivation.

By incorporating these steps into your routine, you can experience the lasting benefits of meditation, fostering a more mindful and balanced life.

Would you like more detailed information on a specific meditation technique, or tips on creating a conducive environment for meditation?

Monday, July 1, 2024

8 yoga poses to improve your sex life, as proven by the experts

8 yoga poses to improve your sex life, as proven by the experts

Yoga is widely known for its numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits, and it can also play a role in enhancing one's sex life. Many experts agree that yoga can improve flexibility, reduce stress, boost confidence, and increase overall body awareness, all of which contribute to a better sexual experience. Here are eight yoga poses that experts recommend to improve your sex life:

### 1. **Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Press your feet and arms into the floor, lift your hips toward the ceiling, and clasp your hands under your back.

- **Benefits:** Strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, increases blood flow to the pelvic region, and helps in improving core stability and flexibility, all of which can enhance sexual pleasure.

### 2. **Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Lie on your back and bring your knees towards your chest. Hold the outer edges of your feet with your hands and open your knees wider than your torso, bringing them towards your armpits.

- **Benefits:** Opens the hips, stretches the inner thighs, and helps release tension in the lower back, which can contribute to better sexual health and flexibility.

### 3. **Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Inhale, arch your back (cow pose), and look up. Exhale, round your spine (cat pose), and tuck your chin to your chest.

- **Benefits:** Improves spinal flexibility, strengthens the core, and increases blood flow to the pelvic area, which can lead to increased arousal and pleasure.

### 4. **Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Begin on your hands and knees, lift your hips up, and straighten your legs to form an inverted V shape. Press your hands and feet into the floor and relax your head between your arms.

- **Benefits:** Increases blood flow, stretches and strengthens the entire body, and improves overall endurance, which can enhance sexual stamina and performance.

### 5. **Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Sit with your feet together and your knees bent out to the sides. Hold your feet with your hands and gently press your knees towards the floor.

- **Benefits:** Opens the hips, improves flexibility in the groin area, and enhances circulation to the pelvic region, which can lead to increased sensitivity and sexual pleasure.

### 6. **Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Press into your hands and lift your chest off the floor, keeping your elbows slightly bent.

- **Benefits:** Strengthens the back muscles, opens the chest, and increases energy and blood flow, which can boost libido and sexual energy.

### 7. **Child's Pose (Balasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and fold forward, extending your arms in front of you or resting them by your sides.

- **Benefits:** Relieves stress and anxiety, promotes relaxation, and helps in focusing on the breath, which can create a more mindful and intimate sexual experience.

### 8. **Eagle Pose (Garudasana)**

- **How to Do It:** Stand with your feet together. Bend your knees slightly, lift one leg, and wrap it around the other leg. Extend your arms in front of you, wrap one arm under the other, and press your palms together.

- **Benefits:** Enhances balance and focus, increases circulation to the pelvic area, and can help improve coordination and intimacy during sex.

### Expert Insights

- **Flexibility and Strength:** According to Dr. Lindsey Vestal, an expert in pelvic health, yoga helps in increasing flexibility and strength in the pelvic floor muscles, which are crucial for a better sexual experience.

- **Stress Reduction:** Yoga is effective in reducing stress and anxiety, as highlighted by Dr. Lori Brotto, a clinical psychologist specializing in sexual health. This reduction in stress can lead to better sexual performance and intimacy.

- **Mind-Body Connection:** Dr. Tammy Nelson, a certified sex therapist, emphasizes that yoga improves the mind-body connection, which can lead to a deeper and more fulfilling sexual experience by increasing awareness and sensitivity.

### Conclusion

Incorporating these yoga poses into your routine can lead to various physical and emotional benefits that enhance your sex life. Regular practice can improve flexibility, strength, and stress management, contributing to a more fulfilling and pleasurable sexual experience.


Would you like more details on any of these poses or information on how to incorporate them into a routine?

Sex Yoga: 6 Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Sex Life

Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, Ph.D., LCSW, CST-S**  

**Written by Jandra Sutton**  

**Updated on October 10, 2019**

*6 Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Sex Life**

**Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, Ph.D., LCSW, CST-S**  

**Written by Jandra Sutton**  

**Updated on October 10, 2019**


### **Introduction**

Yoga is renowned for its extensive benefits, including stress relief, weight loss, improved digestion, and even DNA reprogramming. But did you know that it can also enhance your sex life? Before you envision intricate Kama Sutra positions, rest assured that the connection between yoga and better sex is quite straightforward.

### **How Yoga Can Improve Your Sex Life**

The primary benefit of yoga, both inside and outside the bedroom, is stress reduction. Regular yoga practice is known to lower cortisol levels, which helps decrease overall stress. Lower stress levels are directly linked to increased sexual desire.

Yoga also promotes better sexual function. A study involving 40 women over 12 weeks showed significant improvements in their sex lives due to yoga. While this study is limited in scope, the results are promising.

According to Lauren Zoeller, a certified yoga instructor and Whole Living Life Coach from Nashville, Tennessee, yoga fosters body awareness and mind control, crucial for better communication with your partner about your preferences. It also enhances present-moment awareness, which can significantly enrich your sexual experiences.

Zoeller emphasizes that yoga and sex both contribute positively to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Regular practice of yoga can thus help you feel your best in all aspects of life.

### **Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Sex Life**

Incorporate these six yoga poses into your routine to potentially boost your sex life:

#### **1. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)**

These poses, often done together, help relax the spine and lower overall stress, which is essential for getting into the mood.

**How to do it:**

- Begin on all fours with wrists aligned under shoulders and knees under hips.

- Inhale, arch your back, and lift your head and chest.

- Exhale, round your spine, and tuck your chin.

- Repeat for 1 minute, moving slowly between poses.

#### **2. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)**

This pose strengthens the pelvic floor, potentially reducing pain during sex and enhancing pleasure.

**How to do it:**

- Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart.

- Place arms flat on the floor, palms down.

- Lift your pelvis, keeping shoulders and head on the floor.

- Hold for 5 seconds, then release.

#### **3. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)**

This relaxation pose stretches the glutes and lower back and can be adapted into a variation of the missionary position.

**How to do it:**

- Lie on your back and exhale as you bend your knees towards your stomach.

- Inhale and grab the outside of your feet, widening your knees.

- Flex your feet and pull with your hands for a stretch.

#### **4. One-Legged Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)**

Great for stretching and opening the hips, this pose can make sex more comfortable and versatile.

**How to do it:**

- Start on all fours and bring your right leg forward, positioning it at a 90-degree angle.

- Extend your left leg back, top of the foot down.

- Lean forward and use your arms for support.

- Repeat on the other side.

#### **5. Child’s Pose (Balasana)**

A grounding pose that helps open the hips and relax deeply, Child’s Pose can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

**How to do it:**

- Kneel with big toes touching and knees wide.

- Exhale and lean forward, stretching your arms out.

- Rest your head on the mat, block, or pillow.

- Stay in the pose for 30 seconds to a few minutes.

#### **6. Corpse Pose (Savasana)**

Typically used to end yoga sessions, this pose promotes relaxation and stress relief.

**How to do it:**

- Lie flat on your back with arms at your sides, palms up.

- Close your eyes and focus on deep, slow breathing.

- Stay in this pose for 5-10 minutes, allowing full relaxation.


These yoga poses not only improve flexibility and strength but also help you become more attuned to your body and mind, enhancing your overall sexual experience. Try incorporating them into your regular routine for a fulfilling, stress-free, and pleasurable sex life.